Grateful 8

Grateful 8

Over the last eight years, Cheeky Peach has employed hundreds of women (and a few men) of all races, backgrounds, and personalities. We do what we do here with a small, specialized, super lean staff that works incredibly hard. There are a couple things I really, REALLY love about Cheeky and I want to share them: the first is styling you. Seeing your demeanor and confidence transform in a fitting room has and will continue to be the driving force behind everything I do. The second is mentoring some incredibly talented individuals who come to Cheeky to work and learn. Getting the chance to talk them through life once they leave here and move's an honor I can't convey into words. I'm trusted to give sound advice over and over, and that isn't a responsibility l take lightly. It's the essence of being a mentor, and in my opinion a vital part of really walking the walk as a woman in business.

But I'm only able to do all of this because of the customers who choose to spend their hard-earned money in my store. Cheeky Peach can't survive if you don't show up, and I'm full of gratitude that I can live this dream because you come through our doors, tune into Facebook live, and chat with us on Instagram or via email. This business doesn't work if you're not here, and for that I can't find the words to properly show my thanks, so I'll simply and humbly say thank you.

Turning eight this year feels like a huge milestone. I think because the last few years were particularly challenging in countless ways, and it became really fun again this past year. So thank you, all of you. My love for you is so big it hurts, and my gratitude is sent to you daily in my head and heart. 

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