Welcome to Spring & Social Commerce!

Welcome to Spring & Social Commerce!

What a whirlwind. A little over a year ago I was walking around the store with my infant son in a carrier and said, "let's try this Facebook live thing out." I had no idea what that day would evolve into. Last week we relaunched our website with an entirely new and unconventional format. We took all product down, we ditched the norm. When I started Cheeky I wanted to work with people, I loved fashion, and I wanted to connect those dots. Somewhere in the e-commerce rat race, I lost my touch on that. I found myself behind a computer screen desperately trying to make the experience more personal. Finally, I kinda gave up. And I don't give up lightly. But it led to something really fun...

I was overwhelmed with the wonderful response to our new look, I'm not going to lie, I was pretty nervous about how you'd react. Many of you were working with us on our social platforms for the first time last week, it was incredibly fun!Β I can't wait for my Facebook live each week, it's always a treat to show you what's new, seeing all of the positive feedback has really proven this is a thing. I'm so excited to keep working with y'all as we develop this idea more, it seems to be growing and that's just so exciting!Β 

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